Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Season Begins

I wish I had a better reason for the long absence other than the death of my laptop. There has been so much to blog about but typing a post on my phone is just not an option. So when the opportunity to use another computer presented itself, a post was born.

 Since we last posted so much has changed. We have faced struggles in our work camping position, but have duked  worked it out. There is something to be said about working with your neighbors. In many cases it is great to know your coworkers so well, but sometimes helpful gestures are really just nosy intrusive and a bit… aggravating annoying.

With the end of the summer, we prepared for our holiday season. In our family we look forward to Halloween because it begins the holidays for us. A few weeks after Halloween we celebrate Kaeden’s birthday, followed by Thanksgiving, many family members’ birthdays in early December followed by Christmas and New Years. So, we I look forward to an event almost every week. It is a festive and busy fun time.

I began preparing for Halloween thinking I would make Kaeden’s costume again. I also wanted to make a coordinating costume for his bestie, Colton. Last year, Kaeden was the Cat in the Hat, and his father and I were Thing 1 &2, all homemade. I saw some really cute costume ideas on pinterest. I wanted to make Cookie Monster for Kaeden and Elmo for Colton. However, the fabric stores in rural Bremen did not cooperate. They did not have the colors I needed to make Elmo and Cookie Monster costumes. The fabric they did have would have needed to be dyed, without a true color guarantee (meaning Elmo could turn out maroon and Cookie Monster navy), plus a price tag of over $14 a yard. Well that defeats the purpose of sewing a costume when you require at least two yards per costume and factor in the price of dye and trims!

We settled on a Yo Gabba Gabba themed costume from *sigh* Party City.  Kaeden wore the Brobee costume which he loved. It also went with his Birthday theme, a Yo Gabba Gabba Dancey Dance Birthday.  At the camp there were many Halloween activities that he participated in. He rode the hay ride and painted a pumpkin. He went on a candy hunt and even won third place for the boy’s costume contest. While it may have only been third place, Kaeden felt that he won and told Grandma so. After the costume contest they held a dance party. Kaeden danced from the first song until the last. The events were held on the Saturday prior to Halloween. So when Halloween actually came we went to a local Church’s trunk or treat and had even more fun. They had little games set up for the kids to play like ring toss to earn their candy treats.

While things haven’t been perfect, we had a wonderful start to our holiday season. I enjoy creating these memories with my family.  Because you don’t grow up and remember how much or little money your family had growing up. However, you DO remember the special things you did and the time you spent together.  Next post will fill you in on Thanksgiving in a motorhome. I promise. Thanks again for sharing this journey!