Saturday, January 26, 2013

Picking Up the Pieces

So much has happened since I last posted. I promised the last time that I'd update you on our misfit Thanksgiving and Kaeden's Birthday. I wrote the post but craziness kept me from being able to publish it. In short after enduring repeated verbal and emotional turmoil due to being brown our ethnicity, the situation escalated and a member of our family was physically attacked. After all we have been through, you (especially if you are family) would think us defeated or at least reconsidering our nomadic lifestyle.  WRONG!!!! Instead, we are stronger, wiser and more determined to live our dream!

When you dare to live a dream everything doesn't just fall into place.Your dream gets bent, bruised and even broken. The most important thing to remember is regardless of how many pieces your dream has shattered into, defeat is a choice...You can choose whether to sweep the pieces away or pick them back up again. We choose this life, this dream and right now it is time to pick up the pieces, regardless of how hard it may be.

The highlight of our final Georgia days was that we purchased a new (to us) travel trailer! This purchase doubled our living space. We still need to update the decor but the bones are spacious and her working parts are in good condition. Our plan was to sell the Winnie to help fund the purchase of a truck capable of towing the new trailer cross country. Unfortunately, crazy intervened and instead the sale funded our escape from the twilight zone of 1962.

Since our exodus we''ve moved near family and are working on saving for a truck so we can hit the road again. I find it slightly humorous that we fled racial violence by moving to Alabama. I guess the Heart of Dixie has come a long way, at least near Birmingham. Take that Bull Connor! We spent a broke humble Christmas with Gma and New Years at home with cocoa. Hopefully, February will bring me a budget to paint the trailer, celebrate Que's birthday(he REALLY deserves it) and repair/replace my laptop so I can get back to sharing with you.

There are those of you who know what an ordeal this has been. Thank you for all your support and sticking with us especially through the recent disappearances  Stay posted as we gather the pieces, put them back together and return to the journey of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Cruel and hurtful people exist in every facet of life. I would like to think they are not in our RV world, but they are. Good for you that you are dusting yourself off, and putting the pieces back together again. Blessings and wishes for a better new year!!


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